Quincy’s Blog

On this blog you will find updates and info about our first dog, Quincy!


I feel obligated to put up some sad news here... It’s not puppy related but has affected Jacquie I and me deeply. Jake our almost-eight-year-old cat had to be put down today... He will be sorely missed around the house, underfoot, and in the bed!

Jake was diagnosed with lung cancer in August of last year. He was given 6 months at the longest to live. He surprised us all by making it to May 13th. Unfortunately his last night was not a great one, but we both got wonderful cuddles with him one last time...

Jake joined out lives in 2000 when we were supposed to be heading on a camping trip. We ended up turing around as we couldn’t camp the the little kitten we had bought en-route to the camp site!

We have 8 wonderful memory-filled years of Jake - the cat the convinced a non-cat-lover that cats are okay too!

Love, hugs and kisses to Jake,

-J & C

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Some sad news...